For over 100 years, American Manufacturing has understood that the most efficient and cost effective way to manufacture large volumes of turned machine parts is on a Davenport. The American aerospace industry has always understood that the best way to get flawless quality and a repeatable process for manufacturing aerospace fasteners is on a Davenport. Like many industries, aerospace companies have been through tough times over the last four years, but appear to be recovering nicely and have expanded their use of Davenport Machines.
The Davenport Model B has always been the machine of choice for manufacturing aerospace collars and shear nuts. The Model B has been utilized since the beginning of commercial flight to make these crucial components. With the advent of the Davenport HP making these complicated little products was made much easier. The high precision head in every Davenport HP makes holding tighter tolerances a breeze and with the electronic controls, programs can be stored directly in the machine allowing multiple operators to make the same part easily. Davenport is currently experiencing a resurgence of both the Model B and the Davenport HP within manufacturing companies that make aerospace fasteners of all kinds.
The aerospace companies we have spoken with appreciate the choices that they have with Davenport. A new Davenport HP, new Davenport Model B or an existing machine fitted with a new HP head appear to be the most popular choices among these companies. Many manufacturing managers find that simply retro-fitting an older Model B with a new HP head allows them to run parts on the Davenport that they used to have to run on much more expensive machines with slower cycle times. The fact that Davenport is capable of building new machines, re-building existing machines or re-fitting an existing machine with an HP head allows flexibility when planning budgets. Even coming out of the recession many companies are hesitant to budget large capital projects and the flexibility that Davenport provides means they can spend what they want, when they are ready and still achieve significant efficiency increases.